Magnificent Spring

308-1I’m reading the book Wonderstruck, Awaken to the Nearness of God, by Margaret Feinberg. It’s a lovely book — being read in perfect timing — and it reminds us to see how near God is each and every moment of our lives. (You can read the post that convinced me to buy the book over at Ann Voskamp’s blog.)

Reading it has challenged me to revive The Magnificence of God series I started a while back.


Spring is my favorite. Its first warm breeze seems to blow life back into my soul. The singing birds. The popping flowers. The promise of new life.

Spring has been a bit of a tease around my home this year. April has been chillier than normal. The grass is turning green. The birds are chirping. The flowers are starting to bloom. But the warm breezes have come and gone. I’d like them to stay.

But even in the chill, I can see the signs of new life. The beauty God created for us to enjoy. Here is some magnificence from my yard.





This post is part of Magnificence Mondays. Do you have something marvelous to share? A story, a picture, or anything that comes to mind. Write a post or comment below! And more importantly, notice and remember.